Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Well, Hello!

Or should that be wello, hello? Anyhoo, I'm either new to you, new and improved, or back and badder and bigger and blacker than ever... oh wait, I'm not black. I am at least back, bad, and big (or so I think).

I'll start off slowly, I expect, but can be expected to fulminate fulsomely on a range of topics of endless interest to me, and thus to you!

I was going to fire up this bad boy a bit earlier, but had trouble coming up with a name. One, "Acting as if
dot blogspot dot com", was too much of an inside joke, while "And the horse you rode in on dot blogspot dot com" was a trifle too long, though it well expresses my general outlook.

Bookmark me! I'm worth it!

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